Thursday, September 6, 2007


Somehow the idea popped into my head today that moving to Hawaii would be a good idea. Well it kinda started last night when my mom said we should go away for a few days in November some place warm. I wasn't overly excited about just going to Florida where I have been many times and we are running pretty close on time to get our passports renewed without paying the really high fees.

Then this morning I thought- Hawaii! No passport needed and the weather is warm year round. Plus we have never been. That started a few hours of internet research about what to do there and then it became this looks amazing I should move. Liz immediately agreed, so I started looking at apartments.

It turns out Hawaii is not just one of those places you pack your bags and move to the next day. On the surface its not all that much more expensive than living in DC or NY but there is the cost of getting there (and getting all your stuff there) which is quite high. Plus first and last months rent and the cost of staying somewhere until you have your own place. I think you should probably have a job secured before moving there or a lot of money in the bank. Its not like picking up and moving to NM. Unfortunately. Because it looks absolutely beautiful and the thought of coming home to my apt and sitting on my patio with an amazing ocean view is very tempting. Maybe someday but it won't be tomorrow for Liz or I. If we start saving our money now and applying to jobs there who knows what the next few months could bring....

The only drawback I read about Hawaii was that there are flying cockroaches outside and even if you keep your house or apt clean they are still around inside. Even though I hate and am scared of most bugs this does not deter me from wanting to live there.

There is a much larger part of me that wants to stay within a few hours of my family in NY than there have has been in the past but then I wake up and think I should move to Hawaii! If I were rich I would move some place new in the world every couple of years. I could afford to come home whenever I wanted and I wouldn't have to worry about finding a job everywhere. I could be a full-time volunteer wherever I moved to, cause it would get boring have nothing to do all the time. Not that i spend much time thinking about these things.

First place I would move to if I were rich- Australia, followed closely by Hawaii....